Covering a Round Table with Cloth
1. Make four cylindrs of different radius and heights similar to the figure(Left) arrange them to get shape of round table(Right)
2. Next, we need table cover. Create using Rectangle. Position this rectangle a little bit above the table.
3. Next step, convert this rectangle into 'fabric'. Make sure this rectangle is still selected. Apply Garment Maker from Modifier List. As result, rectangle is divided into
small wireframe mesh. Use Density=0.1. Density controlled how realistic your cloth animation later. Bigger value means more realistic cloth, thus smaller cloth division,
but the drawback is more computer resources needed to calculate cloth animation.
4. To create cloth animation, apply Cloth modifier. Then, you need to define which object acts as cloth and which object doesn't. In Object rollout click Object Properties
button. A window will open. Select Rectangle 01 (your table cover), check Cloth. In Presets, use Silk. All values like U Bend, V Bend will be filled to make cloth behave
like silk.
5. Next, you need to add table as a solid object to interact with cloth. Click Add Objects button. Select table object. Then activate Collision Object in bottom part of
window. Use Depth=5 and Offset=5. These values control the distance between solid object and cloth. Finally click OK.
6. In Object rollout, click Simulate button. 3dsmax will calculate the cloth animation frame by frame. Render the animation if you want. Save your 3dsmax file now. You
can use saved file later in Part 2 tutorial.
7. To create more realistic result, in Modifier Stack highlight Garment Maker. Click Yes when any warning window appears. Increase the Density value. For example 0.4.
Don't increase Density too much, it may crash your computer. Click Mesh It button. Highlight Cloth modifier again and click Simulate.
Don't increase Density too much, it may crash your computer. Click Mesh It button. Highlight Cloth modifier again and click Simulate.
8. Below is the sample of rendered cloth.